Friday, September 23, 2011

                              Comments On Some Great Bogs
Grant Solis

Sally Giroud

Nathan Fuller

Thursday, September 15, 2011

My moral compass #PSHS

 My moral compass is composed of four strong values I hold in my life. Hardwork is number one. You need to be a hard worker to accomplish your dreams. Dreams should be something you reach for, not something right beside you. You need to be hardworking in the classroom and hardworking at your job. Another value on my compass is excersize. By excersize I don't mean working to get that perfect Hollywood body, I mean excersize to be healthy and live a long life. Excersize isn't just only good for the body but for the mind too. The third value on my compass is learning. It's not only important to learn in school but it's also important to learn outside the classroom. There are so many mysteries and adventures awaiting for someone to teach. Life is a lesson of its own. I hold faith as the last value in my compass. I have faith in Dios. It's nice to have someone to look up to or to talk to. Someone you know cares and who has a greater picture in store for the future. Lifes little battles are only leading to a greater victory. Faith shouldn't just be associated with religion but everday actions. My teamates have faith in eachother, that we'll work as one. Parents have faith in thier children, that after they're done doing thier job, we succesfully finish ours. A moral compass is cool and creative, because not one person's arrow points to the same direction all of the time. Also like compasses we have our North East, South West , and every other little direction. Those are just four of the many directions my compass leads me.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Belief sytem and morality and how they go hand in hand

             Not one person knows what morality is. It is just a word we gave to group a hole list of made
up princapals together. Our belief structure is where we get our vision of morality. The belief
structure is part opinion and part animal instinct.
                Human's are animals. Yes they may have evolved, but they still have nature's instincts at
heart. People come from all differant backgrounds and from all kinds of parents yet the majority
know what's right from wrong. Some of the guidelines come from the laws that shape our
communities but the other percentage of what we do comes from something we're born
with.Human beings know to love their young and to raise thier children. Mother's insincts to
nurture thier babies doesn't have to be taught.
                Although man and women know how to raise thier familie's society has provided stricter and
more educated instructions. Human's know that murdering one another is wrong. They also
know that stealing is wrong. Yet both of these beliefs can easily be challenged by morality. So
that woman may have killed that man. That man beat her every day. Now what does human
think of that? Thiere moralitites influence the way they feel towards a crime and the right
punishment they feel fit for the prosecuter. That boy stole that box of macoroni to feed his little
brother and sister because they couldn't make it to the shelter in time. Automatically human
instincts kick in and challenge our morality. In those two instances our belief system crumbles to
our morality. Education plays a huge role in the evolution of our idea of morality and the
structure of our beliefs.